Notable Features Introduced in Each Python Version
The following is a list of all of the notable or interesting (in my biased opinion) features introduced in each major release of Python, starting with Python 3.0.
Python 3.0 (2008-12-03), Relative to Python 2.6
Release notes: [link]
print statement replaced with a print() function
exec keyword replaced with an exec() function, which does not take a stream argument
dict.keys(), dict.items() and dict.values() now return “views” instead of lists
dict.iterkeys(), dict.iteritems(), and dict.itervalues() removed
map() now returns an iterator, stops when the shortest iterable is exhausted, and cannot take None as a function
filter() now returns an iterator
Python 2’s xrange() is Python 3’s range(); Python 2’s range() is no more
Python 2’s raw_input() is Python 3’s input(); Python 2’s input() is no more
Python 2’s long is Python 3’s int
The repr() of a (long) integer no longer includes a trailing L
Python 2’s unichr is Python 3’s chr
zip() now returns an iterator
Order comparison operators now raise TypeError when given operands of different types
sorted() and list.sort() no longer accept the cmp parameter
cmp() and __cmp__() removed
Dividing two integers with / now returns a float
sys module:
stdin, stdout, and stderr are now text streams
maxint, exitfunc(), exc_clear(), exc_type, exc_value, and exc_traceback removed
itertools module:
imap(), ifilter(), and izip() removed
ifilterfalse() renamed to filterfalse()
izip_longest() renamed to zip_longest()
math module: ceil() and floor() now return integers
array module: and array.write() removed
c typecode removed
operator module: sequenceIncludes() and isCallable() removed
random module: jumpahead() API removed
os module: tmpnam(), tempnam(), and tmpfile() removed
string module: letters, lowercase, and uppercase removed
__builtin__ module renamed to builtins
Octal literals now use the prefix 0o instead of just 0
Python 2’s str is Python 3’s bytes; Python 2’s unicode is Python 3’s str
All string literals are now text/Unicode strs
The u prefix for text string literals is no longer supported (later reintroduced in Python 3.3)
Mixing byte strings and text strings now produces a TypeError
\uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escapes in raw string literals are now interpreted literally instead of being converted to Unicode characters
As a consequence of this, the ur string prefix is no longer supported
basestring removed
The repr() of a string now longer escapes non-ASCII characters
The default Python source encoding is now UTF-8
Non-ASCII letters are now allowed in identifiers
StringIO and cStringIO removed; use io.StringIO and io.BytesIO instead
Function arguments and return values can now be annotated
Functions now have an __annotations__ attribute
Named parameters after *args or a bare * in a function signature are now keyword-only
Keyword arguments are allowed after the list of base classes in a class definition
New keyword: nonlocal
Extended iterable unpacking: Statements like a, b, *rest = some_sequence are now supported
Dictionary comprehensions added: {k: v for k, v in stuff}
Set literals and set comprehensions added: {1, 2} and {x for x in stuff}
New builtin functions: ascii() and next()
intern() moved to sys.intern()
Builtins apply(), buffer(), callable() (later reintroduced in Python 3.2), coerce(), execfile(), and file removed
reduce() moved to functools.reduce()
reload() moved to imp.reload()
dict.has_key() removed
round()’s rounding strategy and return type changed
True, False, and None are now reserved words
The syntax for using a metaclass has changed from:
class C: __metaclass__ = M ...
class C(metaclass=M): ...
Special method __prepare__ on metaclasses added
Module-global __metaclass__ variable no longer supported
List comprehensions of the form [... for var in item1, item2, ...] must now be written [... for var in (item1, item2, ...)] instead.
The loop control variables of list comprehensions are no longer leaked into the surrounding scope
... (the ellipsis) can now be used as an expression anywhere, and it can no longer be spelled . . .
Tuple unpacking in function parameters no longer supported
Calling repr() via backticks no longer supported
<> removed
Trailing l or L on integer literals no longer supported
from module import * is no longer allowed inside functions
All module imports where the module name does not start with a period are now treated as absolute imports
Classic classes removed; all classes are now new-style
The following modules are removed: audiodev, Bastion/rexec, bsddb185, bsddb3, Canvas, cfmfile, cl, commands, compiler, dircache, dl, fpformat, gopherlib, htmllib, ihooks, imageop, imputil, linuxaudiodev, md5, mhlib, mimetools, MimeWriter, mimify, multifile, mutex, new, popen2, posixfile, pure, rfc822, sets, sgmllib, sha, sre, statvfs, stringold, sunaudio, sv, test.testall, thread, timing, toaiff, user, UserDict (moved to collections), UserList (moved to collections), and UserString (moved to collections)
All IRIX-specific, Mac-specific, and Solaris-specific modules removed
_winreg module renamed to winreg
ConfigParser module renamed to configparser
copy_reg module renamed to copyreg
Queue module renamed to queue
SocketServer module renamed to socketserver
cPickle module renamed to _pickle
cProfile module renamed to _profile
repr module renamed to reprlib
test.test_support module renamed to
The modules anydbm, dbhash, dbm, dumbdm, gdbm, and whichdb have been combined into a new dbm module
HTMLParser module renamed to html.parser
htmlentitydefs module renamed to html.entities
httplib module renamed to http.client
The modules BaseHTTPServer, CGIHTTPServer, and SimpleHTTPServer have been combined into a new http.server module
Cookie module renamed to `http.cookies
cookielib module renamed to http.cookiejar
tkinter modules renamed as follows:
Old Name New Name Dialog tkinter.dialog FileDialog tkinter.filedialog FixTk tkinter._fix ScrolledText tkinter.scrolledtext SimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog Tix tkinter.tix Tkconstants tkinter.constants Tkdnd tkinter.dnd Tkinter tkinter.__init__ tkColorChooser tkinter.colorchooser tkCommonDialog tkinter.commondialog tkFileDialog tkinter.filedialog tkFont tkinter.font tkMessageBox tkinter.messagebox tkSimpleDialog tkinter.simpledialog turtle tkinter.turtle urllib2 module split into urllib.request and urllib.error modules
urlparse module renamed to urllib.parse
urllib module split into urllib.parse, urllib.request, and urllib.error modules
robotparser module renamed to urllib.robotparser
xmlrpclib module renamed to xmlrpc.client
The modules DocXMLRPCServer and SimpleXMLRPCServer have been combined into a new xmlrpc.server module
Exceptions must now inherit from BaseException
StandardError removed
Exceptions no longer behave like sequences; use the args attribute instead
except exc, var is now written except exc as var
The variable used to catch an exception is now deleted when the except block is left
raise Exception, args is now written raise Exception(args)
Raising an exception inside an except or finally block now causes implicit exception chaining
Explicit exception chaining can be done with raise SecondaryException() from primary_exception
__getslice__(), __setslice__(), and __delslice__() removed
Special method next() renamed to __next__()
__oct__() and __hex__() removed
Removed support for __members__ and __methods__
Function attributes of the form func_X renamed to __X__
Special method __nonzero__() renamed to __bool__()
super() can now be invoked without arguments inside an instance method
Python 3.1 (2009-06-26)
Release notes: [link]
Multiple context managers can now be used in a single with statement
Directories & zip archives containing a can now be executed by passing their path to the interpreter
Packages containing a __main__ submodule can now be executed with python -m and runpy
New bytes and bytearray method: maketrans()
The repr()s of floats are now shorter
New int method: bit_length()
The fields in strings formatted with str.format() can now omit numbering in order to be automatically numbered, as in 'Sir {} of {}'.format('Gallahad', 'Camelot')
The format specification mini-language now includes a thousands separator specifier
round(x, n) now returns an integer if x is an integer
New modules: importlib and tkinter.ttk
collections module:
Counter and OrderedDict added
namedtuple() now accepts a rename parameter
contextlib module: nested() is now deprecated
decimal module: Decimal.from_float() added
io module: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END added
itertools module:
combinations_with_replacement() and compress() added
count() now accepts a step parameter
json module: Decoders now accept an object_pairs_hook parameter
logging module: NullHandler added
re module: sub(), subn(), and split() now accept a flags parameter
string module: maketrans() is now deprecated
Python 3.2 (2011-02-20)
Release notes: [link]
New modules: argparse, concurrent.futures, html, and sysconfig
.pyc files are now stored in __pycache__/ directories
Modules now have a __cached__ attribute
New str method: format_map()
The str() of a float or complex is now the same as its repr()
New range methods: index() and count()
callable() function from Python 2 restored
ResourceWarning warning type added
abc module: abstractclassmethod() and abstractstaticmethod() added
ast module: literal_eval() now supports set & bytes literals
collections module:
Counter.subtract() added
OrderedDict.move_to_end() added
deque.count() and deque.reverse() added
compileall command-line interface: -i and -b options added
configparser module:
ConfigParser class replaced with SafeConfigParser, which is now customizable
New API added based on the mapping protocol
contextlib module:
ContextDecorator added
nested() removed
csv module:
unix_dialect dialect (dialect name "unix") added
DictWriter.writeheader() added
datetime module:
timezone added
timedelta instances can now be multiplied by floats and divided by floats & ints
date.strftime() now supports years from 1000 through 9999
decimal module:
The Decimal constructor now accepts floats
Decimal instances can now be compared with float and fractions.Fraction instances
Context.clamp added
email.parser module: BytesFeedParser, BytesParser, message_from_bytes() and message_from_binary_file() added
email.generator module: BytesGenerator added
fractions module: The Fraction constructor now accepts floats and decimal.Decimals
functools module: cmp_to_key(), lru_cache(), and total_ordering() added
gzip module: compress() and decompress() added
hashlib module: algorithms_available and algorithms_guaranteed added
Various ABCs added to
inspect module: getgeneratorstate() and getattr_static() added
io module: BytesIO.getbuffer() added
itertools module: accumulate() added
json module: The indent parameter to dumps() etc. can now be a string
logging module:
basicConfig() now accepts a style parameter
If a logging event occurs before any explicit configuration is set up, a default configuration (available in lastResort) is now enabled
Python callables returning booleans can now be used as filters
logging.config module: dictConfig() added
math module: isfinite(), expm1(), erf(), erfc(), gamma(), and lgamma() added
os module: fsencode(), fsdecode(), supports_bytes_environ, getenvb(), and environb added
shutil module:
copytree() now accepts ignore_dangling_symlinks and copy_function parameters
make_archive(), unpack_archive(), etc. added
site module: getsitepackage(), getuserbase(), and getusersitepackages() added
smtplib module: SMTP.send_message() added
ssl module:
SSLContext and match_hostname() added
Server Name Indication (SNI) is now supported when linked against recent versions of OpenSSL
string module: maketrans() removed
sys module: hash_info added
tarfile module: TarFile.add() now accepts a filter parameter, and the exclude parameter is now deprecated
tempfile module: TemporaryDirectory added
threading module: Barrier added
unicodedata updated to Unicode 6.0.0
urllib.parse module: urlparse() now supports IPv6 addresses
Python 3.3 (2012-09-29)
Release notes: [link]
New modules: faulthandler, ipaddress, lzma, unittest.mock, and venv
Support for implicit namespace packages (directories without an added
All Unicode codepoints, from U+0000 to U+10FFFF, are now always supported; there is no longer a distinction between “narrow” and “wide” builds
Multiple exception types have been merged into OSError, which now has various subclasses for common error conditions
Delegating to a subgenerator/subiterator with yield from is now possible
Chained exception context can be suppressed with raise e from None
The u"unicode" syntax for Unicode strings from Python 2 is now supported again
Functions & classes now have a __qualname__ attribute
inspect module: signature(), Signature, Parameter, and BoundArguments added
sys module: implementation added
types module: SimpleNamespace added
importlib module: Various classes & functions added
Modules now have a __loader__ attribute
"\N{...}" can now take name aliases
unicodedata updated to UCD 6.1.0
New list and bytearray methods: copy() and clear()
Raw bytes literals can now be written rb"..." in addition to br"..."
open() now accepts an opener parameter
print() now accepts a flush parameter
Hash randomization with hash() is now enabled by default
New str method: casefold()
It is now possible to combine abstractmethod with property, classmethod, or staticmethod
abstractproperty, abstractclassmethod, and abstractstaticmethod are now deprecated
ABCMeta.register() can now be used as a class decorator
array module: long long type now supported
base64 module: Decoding functions now accept ASCII-only strs
binascii module: The a2b_* functions now accept ASCII-only strs
bz2 module:
open() added
BZ2File() now accepts arbitrary file-like objects and implements most of the io.BufferedIOBase API
collections module:
ChainMap added
ABCs moved to; aliases are still present in collections itself, but importing them is deprecated
Counter now supports +, -, +=, -=, |=, and &=
contextlib module: ExitStack added
datetime module: New datetime methods: timestamp(), strftime(), and astimezone()
email module: Policy framework added
email.parser module: BytesHeaderParser added
email.utils module: format_datetime(), parsedate_to_datetime(), and localtime() added
functools module: lru_cache() now accepts a typed parameter
hmac module: compare_digest() added
http.client module: HTTPResponse.readinto() added
html.parser module: HTMLParser can now parse broken markup without errors
html.entities: html5 added
inspect module: getclosurevars() and getgeneratorlocals() added
io module:
x mode added to open() function
The TextIOWrapper constructor now accepts a write_through parameter
itertools module: accumulate() now accepts a func parameter
logging module: basicConfig() now accepts a handlers parameter
math module: log2() added
multiprocessing module:
The Process constructor now accepts a daemon parameter
Process.sentinel added
multiprocessing.connection module: wait() added
multiprocessing.pool module: New Pool methods starmap() and starmap_async() added
os module:
fwalk(), pipe2(), sendfile(), getpriority(), setpriority(), replace(), get_terminal_size(), getxattr(), listxattr(), removexattr(), setxatter(), sync(), and others added
Various functions now accept dir_fd and/or follow_symlinks parameters
Various functions can now take file descriptors as path arguments
stat(), fstat(), lstat(), and utime() now support timestamps with nanosecond precision
re module: str regular expressions now support \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escapes
pipes.quote() moved to shlex
shutil module:
disk_usage(), chown(), and get_terminal_size() added
Several functions now accept a symlink parameter
stat module: filemode() added
struct module: size_t and ssize_t now supported
Command strings can now be bytes on POSIX
sys module: thread_info added
textwrap module: indent() added
time module: get_clock_info(), monotonic(), perf_counter(), process_time(), clock_getres(), clock_gettime(), clock_settime(), and CLOCK_* constants added
types module: MappingProxyType, new_class(), and prepare_class() added
urllib.request module: The Request constructor now accepts a method parameter
array module: The u format is now deprecated
Python 3.4 (2014-03-17)
Release notes: [link]
New modules: asyncio, ensurepip, enum, pathlib, selectors, statistics, and tracemalloc
codecs module: encode() and decode() are now documented
unicodedata updated to UCD 6.3
min() and max() now accept a default parameter
New special method: __length_hint__()
abc module: ABC and get_cache_token() added
argparse module: FileType now accepts encoding and errors parameters
base64 module:
Encoding & decoding functions now accept any bytes-like object
a85encode(), a85decode(), b85encode(), and b85decode() added
contextlib module: suppress() and redirect_stdout() added
doctest command-line interface: -o and -f options added
email module:
as_string() now accepts a policy argument
as_bytes() method added
EmailMessage and MIMEPart added as part of new API
contextmanager submodule added
filecmp module: clear_cache() and DEFAULT_IGNORES added
functools module: partialmethod() and singledispatch() added
glob module: escape() added
hashlib module: pbkdf2_hmac() added
html module: unescape() added
html.parser module: HTMLParser constructor now accepts a convert_charrefs parameter, and the strict argument is now deprecated
http.server command-line interface: --bind option added
imp.reload() moved to importlib
importlib module: InspectLoader.source_to_code() added
importlib.util module: MAGIC_NUMBER, cache_from_source(), source_from_cache(), and decode_source() added
importlib.machinery module: ExtensionFileLoader.get_filename() added
runpy and python -m can now be used with namespace packages
inspect module:
Command-line interface added
unwrap() added
ipaddress module: is_global property added
json module: dumps() etc. will now automatically set separators to (",", ": ") when indent is non-None
multiprocessing module:
Start methods spawn and forkserver added
Contexts added
get_all_start_methods(), get_start_method(), set_start_method(), and get_context() added
operator module: length_hint() added
os module:
cpu_count() added
open() now supports the O_PATH and O_TMPFILE flags
pdb module: print command removed
pickle module: Protocol 4 added
plistlib module: load(), dump(), loads(), and dumps() added
pprint module: PrettyPrinter, pformat(), and pprint() now accept a compact parameter
re module: fullmatch() and regex.fullmatch() added
resource module: prlimit() added
shutil module: copyfile() now raises a SameFileError when the source and destination are the same file
ssl module:
create_default_context() and get_default_verify_paths() added
New SSLContext methods: cert_store_stats(), get_ca_certs(), and load_default_certs()
stat module: S_IFDOOR, S_IFPORT, and S_IFWHT added
struct module: iter_unpack() and Struct.iter_unpack() added
subprocess module:
check_output() now accepts an input parameter
sys module: getallocatedblocks() and __interactivehook__ added
tarfile module: Command-line interface added
textwrap module:
The TextWrapper constructor now accepts max_lines and placeholder parameters
shorten() added
threading module: main_thread() added
traceback module: clear_frames() added
types module: DynamicClassAttribute() added
urllib.request module:
data: URLs now supported
Request objects are now reusable
urllib.error module: HTTPError.headers added
venv module: The EnvBuilder constructor and create() now accept a with_pip parameter
importlib module: A number of methods & functions are deprecated
The imp module is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
The formatter module is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.10
The U mode of various “open” functions is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.11
Python 3.5 (2015-09-13)
Release notes: [link]
Coroutine functions (async def), awaitable objects (await and __await__()), asynchronous iteration (async for, __aiter__(), and __anext__()), and asynchronous context managers (async with, __aenter__(), and __aexit__()) added
@ operator (with __matmul__() etc. special methods) for matrix multiplication added
Multiple * and/or ** unpackings can now be used in a single function call
Tuple, list, set, & dictionary displays may now contain * or ** unpackings (as appropriate)
Percent-formatting of bytes and bytearray objects with % added
New modules: typing and zipapp
System calls are now retried when interrupted by a signal
from __future__ import generator_stop added to cause StopIteration exceptions raised inside generators to be transformed into RuntimeExceptions, which becomes the default in Python 3.7
Without the __future__ import, such exceptions generate PendingDeprecationWarnings.
RecursionError exception type (a subclass of RuntimeError) added
.pyo files eliminated; optimized bytecode is now stored in .pyc files with opt- tags in their name
"namereplace" error handler added
Various additions & improvements to the asyncio module
cmath module: isclose() added
collections module:
New deque methods: index(), insert(), and copy()
deque now supports + and * module: Generator, Awaitable, Coroutine, AsyncIterator, and AsyncIterable added
configparser module: ConfigParser can now take a dictionary of converters, and subclasses can define additional converters as methods
contextlib module: redirect_stderr() added
enum module: The Enum callable now accepts a start parameter
glob module: glob() and iglob()` now support the ``** pattern
http module: HTTPStatus added
importlib.util module: module_from_spec() added
inspect module:
BoundArguments.apply_defaults() added
Signature.from_callable() added
signature() now accepts a follow_wrapped parameter
iscoroutine(), iscoroutinefunction(), isawaitable(), getcoroutinelocals(), and getcoroutinestate() added
io module: new BufferedIOBase method: readinto1()
ipaddress module:
The IPv4Network and IPv6Network constructors now accept an (address, netmask) argument
New IPv4Network and IPv6Network attribute: reverse_pointer
json module: JSON decoding errors now raise JSONDecodeError
json.tool command-line interface: The input order of keys is now preserved on output; the --sort-keys option will sort the keys instead
linecache module: lazycache() added
locale module: delocalize() added
logging module: Logging methods now accept exception instances as exc_info arguments
math module: isclose(), gcd(), inf, and nan added
fractions module: gcd() is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.9
operator module: matmul() and imatmul() added
os module: scandir() added
os.path module: commonpath() added
pathlib module:
New Path methods: samefile(), expanduser(), write_text(), read_text(), write_bytes(), and read_bytes()
Class method Path.home() added
Path.mkdir() now accepts an exist_ok parameter
readline module: append_history_file() added
selectors module: DevpollSelector added
shutil module: move() now accepts a copy_function argument
signal module: SIG* constants have been converted to enums
socket module: socket.sendfile() added
ssl module: SSLObject added
subprocess: run() added
sys module: set_coroutine_wrapper(), get_coroutine_wrapper(), and is_finalizing() added
time module: monotonic() is now always available
timeit command-line interface: --unit option added
traceback module: TracebackException, StackSummary, FrameSummary, walk_stack(), and walk_tb() added
types module: CoroutineType and coroutine() added
unicodedata updated to Unicode 8.0.0
unittest command-line interface: --locals option added
unittest.mock module: Mock.assert_not_called() added
urllib.request module: HTTPPasswordMgrWithPriorAuth added
platform module: dist() and linux_distribution() are now deprecated
html.parser module: The convert_charrefs parameter to the HTMLParser constructor now defaults to True
Python 3.6 (2016-12-23)
Release notes: [link]
Formatted string literals (“f-strings”)
Variables can now be annotated by following the name of the variable with a colon and the annotation
Underscores can now be used in numeric literals
await and yield can now be used in the same function, thereby enabling asynchronous generators
async for can now be used in list, set, & dict comprehensions and in generator expressions
await expressions can now be used in any comprehension
Special methods __init_subclass__() and __set_name__() added
os.PathLike, the __fspath__() method, and os.fspath() added
Relevant file functions now accept os.PathLike objects
ModuleNotFoundError exception type (a subclass of ImportError) added
datetime module:
fold attribute added to datetime and time for denoting the second instance of a time duplicated due to DST
The strftime() method of date and datetime now supports %G, %u, and %V
datetime.astimezone() can now be called on naïve instances
The file system and console encodings on Windows are now both UTF-8
A class’s __dict__ now preserves the order in which the attributes were defined
**kwargs now preserves insertion order
dicts are now implemented in such a way that they preserve insertion order
New module: secrets
Various additions & improvements to the asyncio module
cmath module: tau, inf, nan, infj, and nanj added Collection, Reversible, and AsyncGenerator added
enum module: auto, Flag, and IntFlag added
json module: load() and loads() now support binary input in UTF-8, UTF-16, and UTF-32
math module: tau added
random module: choices() added
re module:
Modifier spans (e.g., as in '(?i)g(?-i:v)r') are now supported in regular expressions
Match objects can now be indexed to access groups
statistics module: harmonic_mean() added
The smtpd module is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
subprocess module:
encoding and errors arguments added to Popen and the wrappers around it
The args parameter to Popen and the wrappers around it can now be a path-like object or sequence of path-like objects on POSIX systems
time module: The tm_gmtoff and tm_zone attributes of struct_time are now available on all platforms
typing module:
Generic type aliases like Dict[str, Tuple[S, T]] are now supported
ClassVar added
NewType() added
NamedTuple now supports variable annotation syntax
unittest.mock module: New Mock methods assert_called() and assert_called_once() added
venv command-line interface: --prompt option added
Using async or await as a name will now generate a DeprecationWarning
StopIteration exceptions raised inside generators now generate DeprecationWarnings
Invalid escape sequences now generate a DeprecationWarning
The asynchat and asyncore modules are now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
The pyvenv script for creating venvs is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.8
unicodedata updated to Unicode 9.0.0
Python 3.7 (2018-06-27)
Release notes: [link]
from __future__ import annotations added to enable postponed evaluation of annotations
dicts are now guaranteed to preserve insertion order
async and await are now reserved keywords
New modules: contextvars, dataclasses, importlib.resources
New builtin function: breakpoint()
The interpreter now coerces ASCII locales to UTF-8 under certain circumstances on non-Windows OSes
__aiter__() methods can no longer be asynchronous
__getattr__() and __dir__() can now be defined on modules
time module: variants of the timer functions added that return a number of nanoseconds as an integer
Special methods __class_getitem__() and __mro_entries__() added
Python Development Mode added
New str, bytes, and bytearray method: isascii()
argparse module: ArgumentParser.parser_intermixed_args() added
Various additions & improvements to the asyncio module added
collections module: defaults argument added to namedtuple()
contextlib module: nullcontext(), asynccontextmanager(), and AsyncExitStack added
datetime module:
datetime.fromisoformat() added
The "%z" format of the strptime() methods now accepts timezone offsets containing colons as well as a timezone specifier of “Z”.
enum module: Support for the _ignore_ class property added to Enum
functools module: singledispatch() now recognizes type annotations
http.server command-line interface: --directory option added
ipaddress module: subnet_of() and supernet_of() methods added to IPv4Network and IPv6Network
locale module: format() is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
math module: remainder() added
pathlib module: Path.is_mount() added
queue module: SimpleQueue added
subprocess module:
capture_output argument added to run()
text argument added to run() and the Popen constructor
Removed the fpectl module
StopIteration exceptions raised inside coroutines and generators are now transformed into RuntimeExceptions
unicodedata updated to Unicode 11
Python 3.8 (2019-10-14)
Release notes: [link]
Assignment expressions: := (the “walrus operator”) can now be used to assign a value to a variable in the middle of an expression, e.g.:
if m :='\d+', s): x = int(
Function parameters can now be made positional-only by placing a / after them in the argument list
One can now write f"{var=}" to get f"{var}={repr(var)}"
continue is now allowed in finally: clauses
New int, bool, and fractions.Fraction method: as_integer_ratio()
\N{name} escapes are now allowed in regular expressions
dicts and dictviews can now be passed to reversed()
Generalized iterable unpacking in yield and return statements no longer requires parentheses; e.g., one can now write return foo, *bar instead of having to do return (foo, *bar)
Missing commas between tuples in a list now generate a SyntaxWarning with a suggestion as to what went wrong
For integer arguments, the three-argument form of pow() can now take a negative exponent when the base is coprime to the modulus, in which case the modular multiplicative inverse (or a power thereof) is calculated
New modules: importlib.metadata and multiprocessing.shared_memory
Running python -m asyncio now starts an async REPL
asyncio module:
CancelledError now inherits directly from BaseException instead of Exception
coroutine() is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.11
Passing a loop parameter is now deprecated for most of asyncio’s high-level API; it will be removed entirely in Python 3.10
Explicitly passing coroutines to wait() is now deprecated
datetime module: New date and datetime method: fromisocalendar()
functools module: cached_property() and singledispatchmethod() added
io module: open_code() (the verified open hook) added
itertools module: accumulate() now accepts an initial parameter
json.tool command-line interface: --json-lines option added
math module:
comb() added
dist() added
hypot() can now take multiple arguments
isqrt() added
perm() added
prod() added
pathlib module:
Path.link_to() added
Path.rename() and Path.replace() now return the new path
Path.unlink() now accepts a missing_ok argument
pickle module: Protocol 5 (with support for out-of-band buffers) added
platform module: dist() and linux_distribution() removed
shlex module: join() added
statistics module: NormalDist, fmean(), geometric_mean(), multimode(), and quantiles() added
subprocess module: The args parameter to Popen and the wrappers around it can now be a path-like object or sequence of path-like objects on Windows systems in addition to POSIX
sys module:
audit() and addaudithook() (for audit hooks) added
pycache_prefix added
unraisablehook() and __unraisablehook__ added
typing module: TypedDict, Literal, Final, final(), Protocol, SupportsIndex, get_origin(), and get_args() added
unicodedata module:
Updated to Unicode 12.1.0
is_normalized() added
unittest.mock module:
AsyncMock added
call objects now have args and kwargs properties
zipfile module: Path added
macpath module (deprecated since Python 3.7)
time.clock() (deprecated since Python 3.3)
the pyvenv script for creating venvs (Use pythonX.Y -m venv instead)
sys.set_coroutine_wrapper() and sys.get_coroutine_wrapper() (deprecated since Python 3.7)
Using is or is not with strings, numbers, and certain other literals now produces a SyntaxWarning
Python 3.9 (2020-10-05)
Release notes: [link]
dicts can now be merged & updated using the | and |= operators
Any valid expression can now be used as a decorator
New str, bytes, and bytearray methods: removeprefix() and removesuffix()
Built-in collection types like list and dict can now be used as generic types; e.g., List[str] can now be written list[str]
This also applies to collections ABCs; e.g., typing.Sequence[str] can now be written[str].
Importing the old List, Sequence, etc. types from typing is now deprecated but does not generate DeprecationWarningss at this time. The deprecated names will be removed from typing in the first Python release five years after 3.9.
New modules: graphlib and zoneinfo
asyncio module: to_thread() added
functools module: cache() added
importlib.resources module: files() added (introduced in importlib-resources v1.1.0)
Aligned importlib.metadata with importlib-metadata v1.6.1
ipaddress module now supports IPv6 scoped addresses
math module:
gcd() can now take multiple arguments
lcm(), nextafter(), and ulp() added
pathlib module:
Path.readlink() added
PurePath.is_relative_to() added
PurePath.with_stem() added
random module: randbytes() added
typing module: Annotated added
The binhex, parser, and symbol modules are now deprecated
Using NotImplemented in a boolean context is now deprecated and will produce a TypeError in a future version of Python
fractions.gcd() (deprecated since Python 3.5)
encoding parameter of json.loads() (deprecated & ignored since Python 3.1)
asyncio.Task.current_task() and asyncio.Task.all_tasks() (deprecated since Python 3.7); use asyncio.current_task() and asyncio.all_tasks() instead
with (await asyncio.lock): and with (yield from asyncio.lock): statements are no longer supported; use async with lock instead. Likewise for asyncio.Condition and asyncio.Semaphore.
lib2to3 now emits a PendingDeprecationWarning and will be removed in Python 3.13
unicodedata updated to Unicode 13.0.0
Python 3.10 (2021-10-04)
Release notes: [link]
Pattern matching!
match status: case 400: return "Bad request" case 401 | 403 | 404: return "Not allowed" case _: return "Something's wrong with the Internet"
Context managers in with statements can now be enclosed in parentheses, e.g.:
with (CtxManager1() as example, CtxManager2()):
Assignment expressions can now be used unparenthesized within set literals, set comprehensions, and sequence indexes (but not slices)
Numeric literals immediately followed by keywords (e.g., 0in x) now generate a deprecation warning. Future Python versions will change this to a syntax warning and then a syntax error.
Common syntax errors now have better error messages
AttributeError and NameError error messages now include suggestions as to what you might have meant
Union[X, Y] can now be written X | Y
Dictionary views returned by dict.keys(), dict.values(), and dict.items() now have mapping attributes wrapping the original dict
The second argument of isinstance() and issubclass() can now be a Union
New int method: bit_count()
open() and friends can now be passed encoding="locale" in order to explicitly use the current locale’s encoding
zip() now has a strict parameter for requiring that all input iterables have the same length
New builtin functions: aiter() and anext()
EncodingWarning warning type added
The loop parameter (deprecated in Python 3.8) is now removed from most of asyncio’s high-level API
base64 module: b32hexencode() and b32hexdecode() added
bisect module: The functions now accept a key argument
codecs module: unregister() added
Collections ABCs can no longer be imported from collections; import them from instead
collections module: added
contextlib: aclosing() added
The dataclass decorator now accepts a slots argument
Fields can now be made keyword-only
distutils is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
glob module: glob() and iglob() now accept root_dir and dir_fd arguments
Aligned importlib.metadata with importlib-metadata v4.6
entry_points() and package_distributions() added
inspect module: get_annotations() added
io module: text_encoding() added
itertools module: pairwise() added
os.path.realpath() now has a strict parameter for erroring when a path doesn’t exist or a symlink loop is encountered
pathlib module:
Slice and negative indexing support added to Path.parents
Path.hardlink_to() added, superseding Path.link_to(), which is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.12
Path.stat() and Path.chmod() now have a follow_symlinks argument
platform module: freedesktop_os_release() added
statistics module: covariance(), correlation(), and linear_regression() added
sys module: orig_argv and stdlib_module_names added
traceback module: format_exception(), format_exception_only(), and print_exception() can now take just an exception argument as a positional-only parameter
types module: EllipsisType, NoneType, and NotImplementedType added
typing module: Concatenate, ParamSpec, TypeAlias, TypeGuard, and is_typeddict() added
Removed the formatter and parser modules (deprecated in Python 3.4 and 3.9, respectively)
Python 3.11 (2022-10-03)
Release notes: [link]
Exception groups
ExceptionGroup and BaseExceptionGroup exception types added
try: ... except* ...: ... syntax (note asterisk) for matching exception groups
Traceback messages now highlight the exact expression that caused the error
Starred expressions can now be used in for statements (e.g., for x in *lst1, *lst2:)
This was enabled by the grammar rewrite in Python 3.9 but was not noticed or documented until 3.11.
Octal escapes in string & bytes literals with values greater than 0o377 (e.g., \477) now generate a DeprecationWarning
The various “open” functions no longer accept the U mode
New object method: __getstate__()
New BaseException method: add_note()
Chaining @classmethod decorators and using them to wrap other decorators (such as @property) is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13
Format specification mini-language: A z option can now be used with floating-point types in order to coerce negative zero to “regular” zero after rounding.
New modules: tomllib and wsgiref.types
asyncio module:
@coroutine (deprecated since 3.8) and asyncio.coroutines.CoroWrapper removed
Barrier, Runner, TaskGroup, and timeout() added
binascii module: a2b_hqx(), b2a_hqx(), rlecode_hqx(), and rledecode_hqx() removed
binhex module removed
contextlib module: chdir() added
datetime module:
UTC added
The fromisoformat() methods now accept most ISO 8601 strings
enum module:
EnumCheck, FlagBoundary, ReprEnum, StrEnum, @global_enum(), @member(), @nonmember(), @property, show_flag_values(), and @verify added
EnumMeta renamed to EnumType; the old name is currently as an alias
functools module: singledispatch now supports union types
hashlib module: file_digest() added
inspect module:
getmembers_static() and ismethodwrapper() added
formatargspec() and getargspec() removed
Frame-related functions now return objects instead of tuples (though the new objects are backwards-compatible with the tuple interface)
locale module:
getdefaultlocale() is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13
getencoding() added
logging module:
getLevelNamesMapping() added
createSocket() method added to logging.handlers.SysLogHandler
math module: cbrt() and exp2() added
operator module: call() added
pathlib module: The glob() and rglob() methods now return only directories if given a pattern ending with the pathname separator
re module:
(?>...), *+, ++, ?+, and {m,n}+ can now be used in regular expressions
NOFLAG added
string module: get_identifiers() and is_valid() methods added to string.Template
sys module: exception() added
typing module:
LiteralString, Never, Self, TypeVarTuple, Unpack, assert_never(), assert_type(), clear_overloads(), get_overloads(), @dataclass_transform, and reveal_type() added
Text is now deprecated
Individual fields in a TypedDict may now be annotated as Required or NotRequired
The keyword-argument syntax for constructing TypedDict types is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.13
unicodedata updated to Unicode 14.0.0
zipfile module:
metadata_encoding argument added to ZipFile constructor
ZipFile.mkdir() added
stem, suffix, and suffixes attributes added to zipfile.Path
The following modules are now deprecated and are planned to be removed in Python 3.13: aifc, audioop, cgi, cgitb, chunk, crypt, imghdr, mailcap, msilib, nis, nntplib, ossaudiodev, pipes, sndhdr, spwd, sunau, telnetlib, uu, and xdrlib
Python 3.12 (2023-10-02)
Release notes: [link]
New syntax for type-annotating generic classes, generic functions, and type aliases:
Generic class:
Old syntax:
from typing import Generic, TypeVar T_str = TypeVar("T_str", covariant=True, bound=str) class ClassA(Generic[T_str]): def method1(self) -> T_str: ...
New syntax:
# No Generic or TypeVar class ClassA[T: str]: def method1(self) -> T: ...
Generic function:
Old syntax:
from typing import TypeVar T = TypeVar("T") def func(a: T, b: T) -> T: ...
New syntax:
# No TypeVar def func[T](a: T, b: T) -> T: ...
Type alias:
Old syntax:
from typing import TypeAlias IntOrStr: TypeAlias = int | str
New syntax:
type IntOrStr = int | str
Generic type alias:
Old syntax:
from typing import TypeAlias T = TypeVar("T") ListOrSet: TypeAlias = list[T] | set[T]
New syntax:
# No TypeVar type ListOrSet[T] = list[T] | set[T]
Variadic type alias:
Old syntax:
from typing import TypeAlias, TypeVarTuple Ts = TypeVarTuple("Ts") IntEtc: TypeAlias = tuple[int, *Ts]
New syntax:
type IntEtc[*Ts] = tuple[int, *Ts]
Type alias with a parameter spec:
Old syntax:
from import Callable from typing import ParamSpec, TypeAlias P = ParamSpec("P") IntMaker: TypeAlias = Callable[P, int]
New syntax:
from import Callable type IntMaker[**P] = Callable[P, int]
Types of individual fields in a **kwargs function parameter can now be annotated with typing.Unpack applied to a TypedDict, like so:
from typing import TypedDict, Unpack class Movie(TypedDict): name: str year: int def foo(**kwargs: Unpack[Movie]): # kwargs["name"] must be passed a `str`, and kwargs["year"] must be # passed an `int`. ...
{..} placeholders inside f-strings may now contain any valid Python expression
Quotes from the enclosing string may now be reused:
>>> songs = ['Take me back to Eden', 'Alkaline', 'Ascensionism'] >>> f"This is the playlist: {", ".join(songs)}" 'This is the playlist: Take me back to Eden, Alkaline, Ascensionism'
Expressions inside f-strings may now span multiple lines and contain inline comments.
Expressions inside f-strings may now contain backslashes.
The buffer protocol is now accessible in Python code:
Special methods __buffer__() and __release_buffer__() added module: Buffer added
inspect module: BufferFlags added
Source code containing NUL bytes now results in a SyntaxError
Invalid escape sequences now generate a SyntaxWarning
Octal escapes in string & bytes literals with values greater than 0o377 (e.g., \477) now generate a SyntaxWarning
Applying ~ (bitwise inversion) to a bool is now deprecated and will become an error in Python 3.14.
Removed modules:
asynchat (deprecated in Python 3.6)
asyncore (deprecated in Python 3.6)
distutils (deprecated in Python 3.10)
imp (deprecated in Python 3.4)
smtpd (deprecated in Python 3.6)
array module: The array class is now subscriptable and thus properly generic
ast module: Accessing or using any of Bytes, Ellipsis, NameConstant, Num, and Str now generates a DeprecationWarning. They are planned to be removed in Python 3.14.
asyncio module:
as_completed() and wait() now accept generators yielding tasks
create_eager_task_factory() and eager_task_factory() added
run() now takes an optional loop_factory parameter
calendar module: Day and Month added module: ByteString is now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14
configparser module: ConfigParser.readfp(), ParsingError.filename, and SafeConfigParser removed (deprecated in Python 3.2)
datetime module: datetime.utcnow() and datetime.utctimestamp() are now deprecated
fraction module: Fraction instances now support float-style formatting module: ResourceReader, Traversable, and TraversableResources are now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14
importlib.resources: as_file() now supports resource directories
inspect module: getasyncgenlocals(), getasyncgenstate(), and markcoroutinefunction() added
itertools: batched() added
locale module: format() removed (deprecated in Python 3.7)
math module:
nextafter() now takes an optional steps parameter
sumprod() added
os module:
DirEntry.is_junction() added
listdrives(), listmounts(), listvolumes(), pidfd_open(), setns(), and unshare() added
Calling fork() or forkpty() in a multithreaded program now generates a DeprecationWarning
os.path module: isjunction() and splitroot() added
pathlib module:
Path classes can now be subclassed
PurePath.with_segments() added
Path.is_junction() and Path.walk() added
PurePath.match(), Path.glob(), and Path.rglob() now take an optional case_sensitive parameter
PurePath.relative_to() now takes an optional walk_up parameter
pkgutil module: find_loader() and get_loader() are now deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14
random module:
binomialvariate() added
The lambd argument to expovariate() now defaults to 1.0
shutil module:
rmtree() now takes an optional onexc parameter. The onerror parameter is deprecated and will be removed in Python 3.14.
unpack_archive() now takes an optional filter parameter for limiting what gets extracted from tar archives
sqlite3 module:
Command-line interface added
connect() now takes an optional autocommit parameter
Connection.autocommit, Connection.getconfig(), and Connection.setconfig() added
The default adapters and converters are now deprecated
ssl module: match_hostname() and wrap_socket() removed (deprecated in Python 3.7)
statistics module: correlation() now takes an optional method parameter that can be either "linear" (the default) or "ranked"
sys module:
activate_stack_trampoline(), deactivate_stack_trampoline(), is_stack_trampoline_active(), and last_exc added
last_type, last_value, and last_traceback are now deprecated
sys.monitoring added
tarfile module: The TarFile.extract() and TarFile.extractall() methods now take an optional filter parameter for limiting what gets extracted in order to avoid security issues. Calling one of these methods without setting a filter will generate a DeprecationWarning until Python 3.14, in which the default filter will become "data".
tempfile module:
NamedTemporaryFile now takes an optional delete_on_close parameter
mkdtemp() now always returns an absolute path
types module: get_original_bases() added
typing module:
override added
dataclass_transform() now takes an optional frozen_default parameter
Hashable and Sized are now deprecated
unicodedata updated to Unicode 15.0.0
unittest command-line interface: --durations option added
uuid module: Command-line interface added
venv module: setuptools is no longer automatically installed in virtual environments