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Special Version Control Files

The following is a list of VCS-specific files that one may find in the working directories of common version control systems. This list is useful for, say, knowing what files to ignore when traversing a project directory.

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VCS File/Directory Purpose Documentation
Git .git/ Repository data gitrepository-layout(5)
.gitattributes Defines per-path attributes gitattributes(5)
.gitignore Lists files to exclude from version control gitignore(5)
.gitmodules Defines submodules gitmodules(5)
.mailmap Maps names & e-mails to canonical values gitmailmap(5)
Mercurial .hg/ Repository data wiki:FileFormats
.hgignore Lists files to exclude from version control hgignore(5)
.hgsigs Contains changeset signatures from the GPG extension
.hgtags Defines tags
Darcs _darcs/ Repository data
.binaries Lists files to treat as binary [1] Manual
.boring Lists files to exclude from version control [1] Manual
Bazaar .bzr/ Repository data
.bzrignore Lists files to exclude from version control bzr ignore
Subversion .svn/ or _svn/ [2] Local copy of repository data [3]  
CVS CVS/ Local copy of repository data (one per directory) Manual
RCS filename,v Version history for filename Manual
RCS/ Conventional directory for storing *,v files
[1](1, 2) Darcs normally stores its binaries file and boring file inside the _darcs/ directory, but it is possible to use any file under version control in their place; the names listed here are the conventional names for such files.
[2]For compatibility with ASP.NET, Subversion will use the name _svn instead of .svn if the SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK environment variable is defined.
[3]Prior to version 1.7, Subversion placed a .svn/_svn directory in every subdirectory of the working directory under version control.