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Articles Tagged with “continuous integration”

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Integrating auto with bump2version

auto by Intuit lets you set up automatic creation of tags & releases and population of changelogs in a GitHub project. It takes care of determining the version number for new releases, but, by default, it does not set the new version number in your code. This isn’t a problem if your project uses something like setuptools_scm or versioneer to fetch the version number from Git, but if your project’s version number is hardcoded in your code, you’ll need another solution. bump2version is that solution, and it can be integrated into auto as shown here.

Running Extra Steps after Releasing with auto in GitHub Actions

Let’s say you’ve set up auto for your project via a GitHub Actions workflow, and now you want that workflow to carry out additional steps — such as building & uploading assets — whenever auto creates a new release. Let’s also say that none of the available plugins for auto covers your use-case and you’re not a JavaScript programmer, so you won’t be writing a new plugin to do what you want. How do you adjust your GitHub Actions workflow to run these extra steps at the right time? Read to find out.